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My Thank You<3

Thank you…. For Everything. This is long overdue and I am sorry.

Thank you for bringing out the best in me when nobody else could. For seeing passed my faults, and loving me anyway….
For being the best influence I could ever have wanted or asked for. My life has not, and never will be the same…
Thank you for the basics. Teaching me to whistle, tie my shoes, ride my bike without training wheels… For the games of frisbee at all hours of the day, for the nicknames…. For taking care of me when nobody else could.

Thank you for being that listening ear, and the shoulder to cry on when I needed you. For being the wonderful person you are.

You have, and continue to teach me new things daily.

Thank you for having the biggest heart I have seen in a human being…
Your kindness and love towards others teaches me so much.
Thank you for showing me who I could be, and for teaching me to overcome my biggest fears.

Your sense of humor helped me learn to find happiness in the little things….
Thank you for your 100-watt smile. The smile that could light up a room, and my life… The shine in your bright blue eyes.

Thank you for always being there for me when I needed you most.
Thank you for the piggy-back rides, and the butterfly nets made from coat hangers and plastic bags.
For running through the field to rescue me from the school bus-stop when mom forgot… Thank you for teaching me to roller-blade, and for our video game nights with snacks and stuffed animals.

Thank you for being my everything.

Thank you for being willing to work on your day off even though you didn’t have to. So I could see you again.. Thank you for being the person I look up to the most.

Thank you for 9 years of love, memories, laughs, smiles, and even tears. Thank you for the best 9 years of my life I could ever ask for —For being my hero.

Love Your Sister,

Comments on: "My Thank You<3" (2)

  1. Sandy bell said:

    Sandy that was beautiful

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